16 May 2007

Dorkbot #4

It's already the 4th one and somewhat since my first post about it in January, I managed to skip mentioning it in this blog.
Yet, it's been exciting in general to see people from different backgrounds come together and it's been a real pleasure in particular to work with Jocelyne, David, Stefane, Jean-Baptiste, Vincent, Maurin and other people around this event. We got a lot of feedback from people interested to get involved in such a community bridger for Paris and around.
The Dorkbot Paris website give some accounts of each event: #1 in Ars Longa, #2 at La Pêche, #3 at Mains d'Oeuvre. #4 will take place at Confluences. Jean-Baptiste documented the first 2 with pictures, there's a video of Emmanuel of the 3rd and more pictures of Dorkbot Paris on Flickr.

Here's the program for #4 at Confluences:

Thursday the 24th of May from 7 to 9pm
Confluences - 190 bd de Charonne, 75020 Paris
(métro Alexandre Dumas)

- Larsen magnétique, by Vincent Bondet
- Dessin animé en temps réel, by Renaud Chabrier
- House Of Natural Fiber, by Vincensius ‘venzha’ Christiawan
- Monkey_Party, DVD interactif et générateur vidéo aléatoire, by Projectsinge
- Opendork (for whoever wants to show something)

In collaboration with CC Network festival, we're also planning 2 workshops around the same time:

- Initiation aux studios modulaires logiciels, with Jere, Elektrokami and Kro
24th, 25th and 26th of May at Ars Longa - 67, avenue Parmentier, 75011 Paris
Inscriptions : 01 43 55 47 71 - eric.genissel [at] seeusoon.net
Free entrance

- Circuit bending, with, among others, David Steinberg and Emmanuel Ferrand
25th of May at Confluences - 190 bd de Charonne, 75020 Paris
Inscriptions : 01 40 24 16 34 - vincent.rioux [at] confluences.net
Free entrance (bring your toys or instruments to modify)

Dorkbot Paris #5 will take place the next 20th of June at Ars Longa.
Of course, if you'd like to show something for this session or another one, let us know!



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